
  • 2014

    Exploration begins

    Exploration begins

    Innova Engineering & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. was formed. The team started gaining experience in the installation and design of Process Piping.

  • 2015

    Inclusion of a new service

    Inclusion of a new service

    Innova starts providing Fire Detection and Protection Solutions and partners with renowned global brands of fire equipment and accessories suppliers.

  • Early 2017

    Focused Service portfolio

    Focused Service portfolio

    Innova takes a new identity as Innova & MEP Engineers Ltd. The company decides to focus on HVAC, Fire Safety, Process Piping, and Turbine Maintenance services.

  • Mid 2017

    A big step forward

    A big step forward

    Aermec S.p.A, Baluberg, and Caleffi partner with Innova for their Bangladesh markets. The Innova team starts to get bigger and more structured. Through relentless performance, Innova grows to be a strong player in the HVAC field. The Innova team increased in number and the company moved to a bigger office space.

  • 2018-24

    Sustainable Growth

    Sustainable Growth

    Through relentless performance, Innova grows to be a strong player in the HVAC field. The Innova team increases more in number and the company moves to a bigger office space.